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Hi I'm Rachel!

I am absolutely delighted you are here and want to assure you that you are in the right place.


"You either take control of your love life or it takes control of you. It’s that simple."

About me

As a kid, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, the first thought that popped into my head was "a professional friend". I didn't dare say it aloud because I knew how silly it sounded. People don't get paid to be a friend! I was a great listener, I loved to learn about the depths of a person, to hear their story and I felt a deep desire to help others.


I was enamored with psychology and all the classes that came along with it. When I got to Bethel University, I decided to pursue my BA in Psychology, with a hazy goal of becoming a therapist someday. However, once I walked across that stage to get my degree, any desire to go back to school for a Master's degree flew right out of my head! 


I knew I wanted to work directly with people, helping them to have a better….something. I wasn't quite sure what that looked like. I spent 5 years in Human Resources and then became a stay at home mom for 8 years. I dabbled in coaching, but never dreamed of making it my life’s work.


Once my divorce was finalized, I ended up going back to school after all! I attended a six month Professional Coaching Certification Program at Adler Graduate School. It was hands down the best education experience of my life because I finally felt like I had found my place, what I was born to do!


In 2013 I launched my first coaching business. I got all my business through referrals and word of mouth, and I haven’t looked back! In addition to my life coaching business, I also have a coaching business that focuses on helping individuals and teams learn how to “play well in the sandbox” at work. That’s called Isquared Coaching and you can find it on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Today, I am whole, happy and resourceful. I'm on a very different journey than I thought I would be but I wouldn't have it any other way. I learned a lot of amazing things along the way and I made a lot of mistakes. My dream is to take that learning and use it to help and encourage other women as they move along their own path, towards their own life after divorce.


The reason I do this work is because I genuinely and wholeheartedly LOVE to see growth in others. I'm always on a journey of growth and development for myself and I love to work with clients who want growth, insight and most importantly, action!


Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist. If you need therapy, please seek out a professional. I’d love to work with you at a future time. Also, I am not qualified to give legal advice.



I am a seasoned StrengthsFinder coach and feel that it is one of the greatest tools out there to get at what makes us uniquely tick.


Using the Gallup StrengthsFinder tool, we will discover your Top 5 Strengths and gain a deeper understanding into how you think, act, react and plan.


When we work in our strengths, we are more effective, excited and engaged. Think of a time you felt in the zone…there is a 99% chance you were leveraging your strengths in that moment. Wouldn’t you love to find out how to do that all the time?



Quick, tell me your top 5 values! Chances are you rattled off the words we see on corporate lobby walls. “Respect, Honesty, Integrity…”

Nothing wrong with those! But do they really resonate with you? With who you are at your core?


Maybe, but I’m willing to bet that once you walk through my values exercise, you will end up with five values that speak to your authentic self.


With this knowledge, you can filter decisions and actions through who you are at a values level and that leads to more authentic living!


Emotional Intelligence.

We’ve all heard of IQ, but did you know EQ (emotional intelligence) is a greater predictor of success in life? EQ is all about our self and social awareness and management. By strengthening our EQ, we can increase our ability to manage ourselves and our relationships more effectively. Work smarter, not harder!


Do you play well in the sandbox of life with others? Are you able to control that impulse to defend yourself when getting uncomfortable feedback from someone? These are all parts of emotional intelligence! Low EQ can hold you back at work and in relationships. Once you know where you stand, you are free to begin addressing the parts of your EQ that need some strengthening!

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